February 12, 2025

Pooph Reviews: Is This Odor Remover Active? Let’s Find Out!

Do you want to buy Pooph? Does it actually remove pet odor or is it just some random odor remover? Carefully read through this review to know more about this product. Find out all you need to know before you decide to buy.

What is Pooph?

Pooph claims to be a proprietary blend of minerals all of which each can be found in an average daily multivitamin. It is tough enough to handle the hardest to eliminate pet stains and odors.

It works by breaking down the molecular bond which creates odors. But in order to do so, it has to come into contact with those molecules. Sometimes the source of the odor is hard to reach. For example, urine in carpets can seep down into multiple layers underneath, sometimes even into the base wood.

Experience With Pooph

My dog had an accident on my mattress. I had potty pads under his blanket but they must have slipped. I applied it with the stream setting so it was really saturated. At first the odor went away. Several hours later when it had dried, there was still odor but it wasn’t as sharp.

I do have rats and mice that disturb me around the house, but there was this odor I keep perceiving. Anyway, I’ve been spraying this stuff all over the place every time I around the house, and it seems to work for a few minutes, then, it stops. This is not what I was expecting from Pooph, and I probably won’t get it again. 

Does Pooph Really Remove Pet Odor?

 I can say based on confirmation that it is not very effective as it claims to be and the scent is not very pleasing.

I used it for everything from a stinky trash can to a stinky dog. But it is quite unfortunate that pooph didn’t actually work as I expected. For potential customers who might want to try out this product, I would not guarantee anything and do not get your hopes up.

Pros: Benefits

  • Pooph is completely non-toxic and safe to use around people (of all ages!), pets, plants, and the planet.
  • Pooph’s proprietary formula has been Vetted thoroughly by State Air Quality Management Authorities.

How To Use

  1. Find the source of the stink, Pooph needs to reach the source of the odor to get rid of it.
  2. Make sure it comes into contact with all of the source of the odor.
  3. Go ahead, give it a good rub in.

Cons: Critics

 It does not entirely remove the odor as it claims.


It claims to instantly eliminate odors, so they never return by eliminating the molecules that hold the odor. But in order to do that, Pooph spray must come in direct contact with those odor-holding molecules. 

Unlike enzymatic formulas that work slowly and leave odors behind, Pooph works instantly to eliminate odors at the source so there is no stink or fragrance.

For more review information on products like this, check it out by clicking on this link.

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