September 30, 2024

Golo Diet Reviews: Does Golo Diet Actually Work For Weight Loss?

Are you considering enrolling into Golo Diet program? Are you looking to start the Golo Diet for weight? Carefully read through this review to know more about this product. Find out all you need to know before making a purchase decision.

What is Golo Diet?

The Golo diet is a short-term weight-loss plan based on eating nutritious foods that requires that you to significantly restrict calories while taking a dietary supplement called Release with each meal. It is a supplement that hasn’t been thoroughly researched or shown to be safe.

It claims that the Release supplement works quickly to reduce hunger and cravings, reduce stress and anxiety, control the triggers that cause emotional eating, increase energy and vitality, and start releasing stored fat. Thus, promoting weight loss.

Experience with Golo

Over the past years, I have tried several time to loose weight with mixed results I have either failed, or lost weight only to put it back on. So, I decided to give this one a shot.

I have been on Golo for a couple of weeks now but have not lost any weight! I actually put on a few over the holiday weekend. In the time that I have been working the Golo program, I feel that following a healthy and balanced meal plan is the main issue. Just taking the release tablets, a person might think that the weight simply falls off. Some of your commercials might make a person think this is true.

However, I think that my weight loss has been contributed more so to a healthier diet, than to just taking the Release tablets.

Features: Does It Help With Weight Loss?

Several company-funded and conducted studies have shown that the Golo Diet may aid weight loss. Yet, it’s unclear whether the program specifically causes this, or weight loss is the result of merely reducing food intake and increasing exercise.

The GOLO diet plan itself is “free;” however, you must purchase the Release supplement in order to access the details of the eating plan.

One bottle of 90 Release capsules costs $49.95, and GOLO encourages users to take one capsule with each meal. Therefore, one bottle lasts about four weeks. You can get a discount if you buy multiple bottles at once.

How To Start Golo Diet

The Golo diet has two main components: First, you must follow the GOLO eating plan. Second, you are required to purchase and consume the program’s Release supplement. When you pay for a membership, you receive a welcome kit, which contains two booklets: Metabolic Plan and Overcoming Diet Obstacles.

They explain the theory of the diet, how much you can eat, what foods you can choose from and what to do to stay on the plan when, for example, you have to grab lunch at a convenience store. It also gives advice on how to get started with an exercise routine. And, of course, it comes with the program’s Release supplement.

Pros: Benefits

  • The ingredients in the Release supplement are considered safe by the FDA
  • The Metabolic Plan can help establish sustaining healthy habits for individuals after they stop taking Release.
  • Promotes behavioral changes.

Cons: Critics

  • Customer services is not very helpful.
  • The product is usually shipped late.
  • The Release Supplement is yet to be approved.


It is important to note that if you have a history of disordered eating, are on medication or have diabetes, then the Golo diet isn’t recommended for you. While visceral fat can be reduced by regulating daily sugar intake and creating an individual exercise program, Golo Release pills claims to help reduce belly fat but it’s yet unclear whether the program specifically causes weight loss, or is it the result of merely reducing food intake and increasing exercise.

For more review information on products like this, check it out by clicking on this link.

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